Ask 10 members what they get out of NJAWBO and, odds are, you’ll get 10 different answers. No other organization gives women in business the support, training and opportunities that NJAWBO does. Among the most cited reasons for being a NJAWBO member are:

Networking: NJAWBO gives members the opportunity to network with hundreds of other women business owners through Region events across the state and the organization’s annual statewide events.

Corporate Connections: NJAWBO provides opportunities for members to meet and do business with corporate and non-profit entities. The organization helps open doors to our many corporate sponsors and supporters at both Region and State levels who recognize that our members are a great resource and market.

Support: NJAWBO’s members provide professional and personal support for one another. After all, who can better understand the concerns and successes of a women in business than another woman in business?

Education: NJAWBO offers various business education programs through NJAWBO’s many region and state events as well as the EDA, the SBDC, and the WCEC.

Legislative Impact: NJAWBO promotes the economic growth and prosperity of women business owners through lobbying and activism in local, state and national political and legislative issues. Members have an unrivaled opportunity to influence decision-makers and create a receptive and rewarding climate for women entrepreneurs.

Discounts:  NJAWBO members receive discounts on services and products. Take a look at some of the offers provided by our Corporate Sponsors and Partners.

Affiliations:   NJAWBO partners with other organizations to bring more member value in terms of clout and access to opportunities and resources not otherwise possible.

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