NJAWBO (The New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners)  is the longest-standing statewide organization for women business owners in New Jersey. Its primary objective is to support and encourage business ownership by women. Since 1978, NJAWBO has helped women achieve their business visions by providing them with the tools to develop and grow their enterprises.

Networking, partnering, leadership, education, and political advocacy are the hallmarks of the NJAWBO experience. NJAWBO is organized into regions, with members serving in leadership positions at the region and state levels. Together, we are a diverse, dynamic, and powerful group of women business owners.

With the slowly increasing opportunities for women, ups and downs of the economy, fast-paced changes in technology, and unique challenges women business owners face today, our mission to encourage women’s economic independence through business ownership, is more important than ever before.

Members and prospective members (prospective members may attend up to 3 meetings before joining) are invited to attend any meeting they wish. For more information, please ask to be added to our mailing list to keep up to date on our monthly events, contact us, or attend an event.

Contact Information:

549 Pompton Ave., Suite 107
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009


Upcoming Events